
TRE is the Turtle Finance platform governance token, which can be used for community voting and revenue acceleration after the Turtle DAO governance function is launched.


Contract address: 0x060399058ecd346d721AFc9FA93875E2c79cE97d

Total TRE token circulation is 100 Million.

  • Team - 10% of tokens will be unlocked linearly during five years.

  • 1st Round of Seed Investments - 4.5%, 30% of tokens will be released after TGE, 70% progressive vesting for 2 years and with monthly token releases.

  • 2nd Round of Seeed Investments - 8.61%, 30% of tokens will be released after TGE, 70% progressive vesting for 2 years and with monthly token releases.

  • Marketing - 2% of tokens will be invested in marketing and the entire unlock period lasts three years.

  • Airdrop - 0.89% of tokens will be launched during the airdrop. The vesting time - after the launch.

  • Risk Reverse - 10% of tokens will be for accident risk and other uses, the use of funds is determined by the DAO, after the use of a fixed period of repurchase, always maintain 10%.

  • Advisory Team - 3% will be for advisors who have made a significant contribution to the project.

  • Mining Rewards - 60% of tokens will be for mining rewards and the vesting time will be 10 years + release cycle.

  • IDO - 1% of tokens will be for IDO.

Last updated